Wednesday, September 8th begins the 2021-2022 year for CWC. Please join us for our first meeting in a LONG time at 7:00 pm at the Clubhouse for a wine and appetizer potluck. Feel free to bring a dish or bottle to share, and please bring a friend! We will spend a “happy hour” or so together to brainstorm ideas for goals and activities for the upcoming year. Please bring your ideas (and contact info) for fun & interesting meeting presentations, too!
Annual dues are $45 and are sorely needed!!!! Dues help provide the many events, programs and scholarships we sponsor, all of which underscore our mission to support the arts, education, community action and philanthropy for the betterment of Carpinteria. We really cannot do it all without your help. We meet the second Wednesday of every month, with summers off, and hold an annual holiday gathering in early December. We appreciate your membership even if you cannot attend the meetings. Your membership dues help us to continue our mission to strengthen our community, subsidize the building for worthy causes, and entitle you to rent the facilities at a reduced rate after a year of participation in the Club.
An information card is provided below. Please fill out and return with your $45 annual dues to the PO Box indicated above, or bring to the meeting. Thank you and hope to see you on Wed, Sept. 8th at 7 pm!!!!